A little about me (39m), I didn’t date or have a relationship until I was 30.  I’ve met only person one from online dating, that relationship lasted 8 years, 3 in the beginning were long distance.

I’ve been texting someone (36f) from Bumble for about 3 weeks. This is literally the only instance in my life where someone who seems interested in me is not in another country or hundreds of miles away. I don’t even know her real name yet, so this is probably stupid. 

She is diagnosed autistic, I am probably on the spectrum, but not sure. She asked for my Snapchat after a week because she was having “problems with stalkers” (she had an onlyfans) and was going delete her Bumble account. I sent her my Snap info, but never added me. 

I waited a couple of days before contacting her on Instagram, which she replied to. We text but it feels a bit weird. She eventually tells me that she was roofied while meeting a friend at a bar, has no idea what happened. Her friend and bartender kept her safe, but she was having memory problems, and had to go to the hospital. 

She has some serious ongoing medical conditions, and the week after the bar incident, she was in the hospital again. I found out from her Instagram story update. Her last text to me a couple of days was she was going to take some codeine and hadn’t slept in days. 

I don’t know many people to talk to about this with.

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