
American here, enjoying a whole package of them, I found if the chocolate is on the bottom when I bite then I don’t get crumbs everywhere.

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  2. Biscuit side down mainly so I can balance the biscuit on my fingertips and not get any chocolate melting onto my fingers/hands.

    I also break the biscuit in half in the packet so I can shove the whole piece in my mouth to avoid crumbs.

  3. >I found if the chocolate is on the bottom when I bite then I don’t get crumbs everywhere.

    I’m a chocolate up person but I think you may have just changed the game for me

  4. Depends on my mood. Usually chocolate up. But when I want to feel like the random-fact-geek that I am I eat chocolate side down (cos the tongue is at the bottom of the mouth, you taste the chocolate better)

  5. If you dunk them in tea first, don’t really get crumbs. Chocolate Hotnobs are the Royal Marines of the biscuit world.

  6. Eating a digestive with the chocolate on the bottom is like eating a KitKat the wrong way. Just why would you do that?

  7. But if some chocolate breaks off and you don’t notice it, then you clothes will be stained in chocolate. I’d rather brush a few crumbs off than have t change my top because of chocolate stains

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