I am extremely lonely. I have a bad family and that makes me even more lonely. When I meet somebody new I like talking to I get excited and I want to talk to them all day. I have nobody else to talk to most of the time. so then i message them and wait for a reply for the whole day and they reply with something super short and they dont continue the conversation. like wow fucking great am i really just doomed to die alone. this feeling makes me feel worse. what often happens is i hangout with somebody one time. and then after that- they act very distant to me. they never message me again- or if they do its only to respond to me. theyre always “busy” doing something and have other plans. everybody i meet doesn’t like me.

i cant tell what im doing wrong- when im talking in person i try to act extroverted even tho im really an introvert. i try to be funny and make jokes and express myself at the same time. AM i doing something wrong or is this normal? am i just coming off as very desperate or something? how tf is messaging somebody a simple question a day or 2 after meeting them, and never double texting or anything, desperate? why do people hate me?

I think i try to become bestfriends with everybody i like talking to but either i overestimate our bond and i mostly wanted a bestfriend for the sake of having one, OR I actually do like them but they ignore me. this one person on my floor in my dorm literally said he wants to make friends. So I message him thinking this is a great opportunity to make a friend and on groupme I to start a conversation and hes dry as fuck and seems very disinterested in talking to me. WHAT DID I DO WRONG???

i know as a fact other people are basically talking to friends ALLL DAY and they get instant replies and make plans to hangout whenever and they ENJOY talking and get along and understand their friends. meanwhile i have to patiently wait all day or more for 1 dryass response, nobody hits me up, and I dont know how to find people I enjoy talking to and hanging out with.

I USED to have friends and even a lot of girls liked me in highschool/freshman and sophomore year of college. i left my friends cuz i was in a bad group of people. since then i haven’t made friends i am happy with. i currently have “temporary” friends that ive been friends with for way too long now and its awkward. now that changed a lot and i think it may be my behavior. i may not be outgoing enough. i may not be going to the right places. i think one key difference is that now i am REALLY trying to make friends. I didn’t try to hard before. but, i dont want to just waltz around life letting friends drift into my face years later whever the coincidence occurs? I am horribly lonely NOW, and i wants to make friends as soon as possible.

im sicking of people getting the wrong impression of me. i hate that i cant find people. I am angry that people are ignoring me. i am feeling hopeless that ill ever find good friends or girls again.

i think i am very desperate, but I cant conceieve of how people can even detect this. i dont double text. i dont send massive messages. is it desperate to ask to hangout with people again? wtf.

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