So long story short I have feelings for the girl she knows I do and has made it clear that she only wants to be friends. Couple days ago during our shift she barely spoke to me (the day before we were fine) I asked if she was upset at me she said no. Then she started being buddy buddy with a guy she doesn’t like nor I like and she knows this while she’s talking to him she kept glancing at me. Before she was doing the glancing I’m like “oh they’re just having a work conversation nothing to get jealous or upset over” but after I was wondering if she was doing it on purpose and she continued doing this throughout the shift.

I ask her about it “ I feel like you were trying to get my upset or jealous by talking to you know who especially since you don’t even like him and I don’t know why you would do that considering you don’t even like me in that way”

She replies with “first of all don’t talk to me like that because you made this idea up in your head. You have no say in who I talk to jealousy is quite the drug and I told you I was not mad at you it’s really immature for you to come at me like this”

The reason I even told her was because I’m overthinker if I didn’t talk about it then those thoughts probably would’ve gotten worse and she knows I’m overthinker idk who’s in the wrong I feel if she was to look at my perspective then she’d understand and she has yet to speak to me.

  1. No means no. It’s exactly as she said. You need to accept her answer before you ruin your friendship. She’s probably genuinely interested in the other guy. And don’t wait around for her either. It’s best to move on and try to meet someone new

  2. You can’t reasonably ask her to live her life by way of thinking about how you will “overthink” your feelings on her choices. Her choices are her own to make, regardless of how they make you feel, and especially given you and her aren’t in any close relationship. She doesn’t owe you an explanation, and you shouldn’t be asking her for one.

    My advice is to realize her actions aren’t about you. Get over expecting that, and ideally, get over her. Simply stop talking to her outside what’s needed to do your work as coworkers, and maybe eventually she’ll consider you safe to talk to again. But if you start making things in her life about you again, expect her to continue to ignore you (for good reason).

  3. Dude just drop it. Don’t even try to be friends because you’re going to keep doing this. Keep it to work and that’s it.

  4. I think you need to accept the rejection. She does not have an interest in you. Therefore she doesn’t owe you anything. She’s going to continue to live her life. Ir sucks that you like her and she doesn’t see you that way, but you gotta move on.

  5. The only way to play this situation is to be just friends like she made clear.

    There’s nothing more to it. She’s going to date other men, not you, and you need to endure the sight of it or not be part of her social life.

  6. This is the first time I’ve ever been in a situation like this so stuff might not make sense to me either way thank you all for your responses she told me she doesn’t want to be friends anymore.

  7. option A – She has no interest in you romantically or option B- She is playing games to make you jealous and pursue her despite saying she’s not interested either way move on.

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