. See I been going to this new gym for a year and a half and I have my own policy that I don’t talk to people in general especially women since I believe most are just here to workout and get out. Unless if I get approached first by the girl , something that never happens. I usually gotten many looks and some smiles from girls at the gym, basically screaming to talk to them but I still kept my policy. For the past 6 months, this girl been looking at me and we already asked each other “how many sets we got” but no more than that. She be smiling at me while talking to her gym guy buddies. Then one day she been looking then made a comment saying “always have to wait for a long time for the squat rack on your Monday leg day huh”. But she had her guy gym buddy next to her about to do deadlifts. He looks pretty young and maybe just in the Friendzoned. Then proceeded to do my squats then after a set , she looks at me and smiles with teeth whatever. So in return the next day I introduced myself to her and ask her name. We been shaking hands a few times at the gym. I asked the questions and she asked me the same. But she gave me details. Asked her how long she been working out, she said for 2 years due to her pregnancy then asked age and she asked the same. I’m 29 and she’s 23. After some weeks later , asked her if she was single without directly asking, I said “how come your husband doesn’t workout with you” then proceeds telling there’s no husband and that she’s a single mom. Then asked me if I was married and have kids I said no. Then she just wanted to workout and same here. After that , saw her 2 days later at the gym and I know she noticed me already. I even was drinking water at the water fountain and she passes by me and didn’t say anything. She could’ve easily tap me on the shoulder and say hey Richard but nothing. I notice from the gym mirrors that she be looking at me but can’t even come up to me to say hi. That’s the part that messes with my head with this chick. I already Deal with girls outside the gym and I don’t want to break my rule and ask her then get rejected and be awkward at the gym afterwards. I’m like I can’t be the only one coming up to her to say hi. She has to put some effort in. Funny part is that she just looks at me but I don’t ever do that lol. Maybe eye contact is the problem and she’s mad and thinks I don’t find her attractive since I don’t ever look at her. I actually do a bit but I used the mirrors reflection without her noticing me. I can tell she constantly keeps “checking me out” but can’t come up to me to say hi as well. Now idk what’s going on and I’m high right now as well …

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