Am I doing something wrong?

I’m extremely impressed by a guy (yet again) and finding a lot of similarities between us. He’s sweet and a perfect conversation holder online.

However I’m too attracted to him that I feel a bit uneasy if he takes longer to reply. I’m a working woman with a hybrid mode of work, and I myself keep a gap of max 2h to reply back lol. (Depending on the situation ofc, If I’m free I’ll reply within 30mins too)

So I know there’s some problem with me here.

I feel like meeting him asap and hugging and kissing him. There’s some sort of emptiness around my heart that craves it so I end up hugging my pillow so tight.

Would it be termed as me being too horny? I don’t even know how he looks though. Urgh.

This happens a lot nowadays. I recently went through a heartbreak following the exact same situation with someone else because I rushed things off.

So learning from my mistakes, I’m trying to take some time to get him to know me and vice versa and we’re just flirting at this stage, quite respectfully and effortlessly.

But this has created a new problem, the uneasiness and eagerness. Wth.

1 comment
  1. You are either in love or very horny, yeah. The latter is easier to solve, obviously. If you’re in love, there is nothing wrong with you – unless you are saying you fall in love too quickly and have developed unhealthy behaviors due to that. In that case, I would seek therapy if I were you. It would help.

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