How often do you spider proof your house so that your wife stops finding them?

  1. Nature’s exterminators are welcome in my house as long as they’re not all over the place.

  2. I just suck ‘em all up with the shop vac and let them have spider fight club inside.

    After a few weeks you shake the canister out outside to release the Ultimate Spiderdome Champion back into the wild to terrorize her (female spiders are typically much larger and meaner) foes.

  3. I spider proof my house because I personally hate spiders.

    In no way do I scream and run away when I see one but I don’t like it when they come near me

    Ugly little things BUT i guess they are useful to have to get rid of all the annoying flies and moths

  4. Unless you move to the artic, you are never more than 6 feet away from a spider. Good luck.

  5. Never. She likes spiders as much as I do. They don’t bother us, and eat all the annoying bugs that do.

  6. I have sprayed around the house to cut down on the spiders. I had a cat so most of that wasn’t an issue but since the cat is no longer here the issue has crept up again.

  7. Why would you want to do that? There may come a day when there’s nothing else she finds you useful for.

  8. There is no way to spider-proof a building. If you’re inside, you’re never more than 6′ from a spider. And they are beneficial.

  9. Spiders build really effective traps for mosquitoes and other flying insects. I tell them they can have the unused corners and in return I don’t want to see any mosquitoes in the home. They are usually good with that.

  10. What? Those spiders are my pets, I would be pissed if my husband tried to get rid of them.

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