So myself (m25) and my girlfriend (f20) have been together for almost a year only been together in person twice last time was just over a month ago which we had sex a few times . It’s hard being in an LDR at times my gf has been telling me she gets horny when we’re apart and so so I sometimes . I need some advice on what we can both do.

Last night she said she misses my dick inside of her pussy .

  1. Video chats maybe? Opening up the relationship is always an option, if you are open like that. But you gotta be the person for it and trust each other a lot.

  2. Do you have any concrete plans for living in the same city? If yes, then do everything you can to accelerate things. If not, then sadly the best is to move on from this relationship.

    This is really the only actual advice I can give. Get together, or give up. You’re just wasting away your lives in frustration otherwise.

  3. Don’t waste your time. I was in a similar situation when. I was your age, in the end I felt like I lost out on other opportunities with women who were available and I didn’t have to travel hours to see. Your to young to stress out over BS like that. Good luck.

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