I (15m) have been showing signs of puberty for years (pubic hair, armpit hair, facial hair, deepened voice, etc). My issue is that my penis and testicles haven’t shown any signs of development. My penis only measures about 1.5 inches and 4 inches erect. I don’t know if this is normal for it being years into puberty. I don’t know who or where to ask for help about this so this is why I’m posting here. Is this normal at all?

  1. Usually the penis and testicles increase in size between the ages of 11 and 15. But it can be earlier or later though because our bodies grow at different times. I wouldn’t worry, it’ll happen for you soon.

  2. You may be a little late on it which isn’t outside the realm of possibility, some people just don’t really have theirs grow much.Talk to a doctor and they can identify if anything seems wrong with your development, puberty goes on for a while.

  3. So I would say talk to your doctor first. But also man 15 is still young. In a few years you won’t have even noticed the growth and change. It’s happening just slow. Some of us are late bloomers. I bet that if u were to take what u got now and compare it to yourself next year u would be amazed. That applies to the shape and size of your body in general not just your genitals. Don’t worry to much. But if your still concerned a Dr can run blood work, maybe test your hormone levels.

  4. Chill mate , my dick size was probably 2/3 of my pinky at the age of 15 only when I hit 17 did it change significantly . Or of course it may be a medical condition that may be cured , or worst case… uhhhhh rmb size doesn’t matter ?

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