Tomorrow is saturday the 22th of october, but it is also International Stuttering Awareness Day.

I am 38 years old, born and raised in the Netherlands, and i can’t remember a time that i didn’t stutter. In 2020 i did a speech course run by the McGuire Program that learned me how to control my speech, And how to keep improving my speech with training and devotion.

Unfortunately a lot of people didn’t find the support, or speech course yet that would do the trick for them. And these people are walking in a speech minefield all day long, not knowing when the stutter will surprise them. And a lot of stuttering people drift into isolation because of the years of shame and negative responses.

To show everybody what it is like to have a severe stutter and making phone calls, we(our regional McGuire support group) made random phonecalls to (Fastfood)restaurants, hotels, stores and simulated a severe stutter or used extreme speech techniques to see what kind of reactions we would get.

Some reactions were nice and patient, but other were laughing/imitating or just hanging up the phone.

See the link blow for the movie.


We don’t want to shame the peoples that gave us negativity, but we want to create awareness that some people need more time to say what they want to say. Please give them the chance to show their social skills.


English is not my native language, so sorry if i messed up the grammer.

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