I’ve been taking antidepressants since I was a teen and I’m a grown ass adult in my 30s. I thought I couldn’t come/orgasm because of that.

I have had a vibrator for years but for some reason this session made me come. I didn’t do anything different.

I’ve noticed after I “orgasm” sometimes I just need a minute and want to do it again. I guess that just means I have multiple orgasms. All this time I just thought I wasn’t climaxing. I honestly still don’t know. They say “when you know, you know” in terms of orgasm but I was really surprised to see come this time.

It made me wonder — do women come every time they orgasm? Can you orgasm with no fluid coming out? How much typically comes out? I didn’t have too much. I didn’t expect a porno amount, but still.

I get that women don’t come every time they have sex, that’s because they might not be orgasming. I’m not asking about orgasming during sex, I’m specifically referring to orgasming and coming at the same time, regardless of what caused it.

  1. Women don’t cum like men, they get wet during arousal and have orgasms, yes. Sometimes that is accompanied by loss of bladder control, “squirting.”

    Is that what you mean?

  2. “To come” is just a euphemism for “orgasm” so it’s the same thing.

    If you mean female ejaculation that’s a whole other thing. Most women don’t have fluid come out of their urethra during orgasm like men do. It’s pretty uncommon. But, it’s a thing for some women and a totally normal part of their sexual response. Of all the women I’ve slept with only one woman ejaculated.

  3. There is wetness from being aroused, usually clear.. there is that white fluid that comes out and is associated with other things, but is completely edible and – very thick, stringy and sticky.. its consistency resembles thick male cum. Then there is squirt.

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