Relationship advice

My boyfriend, is currently going through an extremely rough time at work and we’re in a long distance relationship. I’m trying to be supportive by reminding him ‘it won’t always be like this and i’m always here if you need me’ but lately that seemed to backfire on me. He said I was coming off as being sympathetic and he didn’t need that. He just wanted to be able to have a normal conversation. A little help guys!? What do you want us to do in this situation?

  1. well first take the time to listen to him, he already gave you the answer.


    spending time with you was probably a happy thing for him and he just wants that to stay the same. he doesn’t want sympathy he just wants what he was already getting from the relationship to remain consistent through all this

  2. Deliver him some food via Ubereats or something. Remind him of the end date for the long distance. Otherwise just be normal. He wants to compartmentalize his work shit and decompress at home.

    Women often like talking their emotions and problems out to death. A lot of guys are the opposite where unless we can fix it we don’t want to have an endless circle conversation about it. We want to box it and just enjoy our evening.

  3. Oh , I understand this. Just listen to him. Don’t give him advice or judge what he is saying. Do tell him you miss him and plan to go see him soon.

    Lots of people just want someone that is willing to listen. Not necessarily give advice.

  4. When work sucks for me, the last thing I want when I’m finally done with a long day is to talk about work. We get a precious few hours of absence from work during the week, I’m sure he would rather spend those hours doing what he enjoys.

  5. He just wants you to listen. Tell him you’re listening. Don’t offer advice unless he asks for it. It will come out in due time.

  6. I think, he doesn’t want you to listen but to distract him, without making a bit thing of his work situation. At least, that’s what I would mean when telling somebody I just want a normal conversation. No pity, search for solutions or anything. Just spending time together as if the shitty thing doesn’t exist, so I can recharge my batteries with the person I like most.

  7. Don’t offer advice, just listen and when he’s done venting, talk about something else.

    I had to really try hard to stop trying to fix my fiancés work problems, now I just nod and agree that Heidi in accounting is an idiot and then ask what she wants for dinner.

  8. When was in my last relationship and I was having a hard time at work, my partner would ask if I felt like talking about it. If I didn’t, she wouldn’t press. If I did, she’d ask how long I wanted to talk about it for. I’d nominate some random number like five minutes, and then just offload everything quickly.

    A lot of the time I didn’t want to talk about it. I didn’t mean my partner did anything wrong.

  9. I had an awful job and my girlfriend listened to me when I spoke,ofc if there was times I just wanted to vent I would tell her ,sometimes she might give advice without me asking and I would say hey I appreciate the advice but I wanted to vent atm,I’m sorry for not saying that (if I did mention it I’d just remind her but that it’s no biggy)

    You can’t fix everything but you can listen to everything,I had quit that job anyways and I’m happy she was there for me

    I’ve had the same situation with her where I would do the wrong thing to try help a situation and she would tell me the same thing ,we both appreciated the help regardless

  10. He gave you the answer. Don’t second guess him.

    Don’t drag him back to work just so you get to make him feel better.

  11. If I needed anything from you for a rough day I’d tell you and honestly it would involve some sort of sexual activity.

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