So I’ve been seeing this guy for a couple of weeks and we finally became intimate but it was really not good and I found myself not that physically attracted to him sexually. I’m wondering if this will get better because I like him in every other way but just not sexually. Has anyone else started out like this and been successful in gaining sexual attraction over time? I am feeling stuck

  1. You have to decide first if you want to put in effort to improve your sexual relationship. If not, leave it in this early stage. If you are, you have to find out if he is interested in improving it. And then you have to communicate about it… Difficult but in the beginning of a relationship, he might not know. You might want different things than his previous encounters.

  2. In my experience, if they aren’t good the first time, they don’t usually get better. I was dating an all-around great guy and our (my) connection *tanked* after our first sexual encounter. It never recovered and I broke it off a couple of weeks later.

    For me, romantic feelings and intimacy can grow over time, but sexual compatibility/chemistry is either there or it’s not.

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