My mom forcing me to get the depo shot I’m 20 years old and live on my own o never get to have a say in it makes me gain the most weight and I am really depressed tried to off myself I told her I would go on a pill of it makes her feel better and she said no I’ve been on birth control since 14 and I know from that I’m never going to be able to have kids ……my appointment tomorrow I don’t want to go

  1. Can’t you just refuse? In my country you would be old enough that your mom would have no legal authority over you.

  2. Wtf? You are 20. Tell her to go fuck a Billy goat on top of her favorite mountain. Protect your body, you are the one who has to live with it!

  3. Tell them you’re there under duress and don’t want want it. They won’t give it to you.

  4. If you tell them that your mother is attempting to coerce you theyll call th epolice and have her escorted off premises.

  5. i mean no offence to the OP but can i ask, are you classed as having “special needs” or being a “vulnerable adult”?

  6. You’re an adult, she can’t force you. Don’t let her in/at the appointment make it clear to all the staff you are not consenting to the procedure. Legally they can’t do it if you say so. But also, you mentioned the pull out method in a comment and that is not a responsible option. Use condoms at the very least. Talk to your doctor about other options that would work for you besides the DEPO shot. Your mom isn’t allowed in the room unless you consent to that too. Make it clear she is not to be present, and do not have her listed as a contact in your file so she can’t receive information about your treatments.

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