I noticed that since the during the end of highschool and during university that I no longer get “fired up” or excited for anything.

Big basketball tournament? Not excited or nervous in the least bit.

Playing new sport I never tried before (boxing, rugby, etc)? Not even a hint of adrenaline.

I’ve been even-keeled for a long while now. I feel it’s a good thing in some aspects but in sports I feel as though having a fire going in your belly would help a ton in going the extra mile.

So what do some of y’all do to get fired up and get the adrenaline and testosterone (and a little fear) going?

  1. Are you taking any medications? I’ve heard that anti-depressants can cause symptoms like this.

  2. Seems like you are quite active in sports. Maybe a little too active? Sometimes one can get stuck in a rut doing the same thing all over again. It becomes an errand even if it started as a hobby. It’s never a bad idea to diversify one’s list of activities.

    You mentioned boxing. Ever done some sparring? That’s one way of getting the adrenaline going.

  3. Emotional detachment as you’re describing it can be a symptom of a deeper issue, such as complex PTSD, schizoid personality disorder, major depressive disorder, anxiety disorder, psychopathy.

  4. I used to get really excited about stuff as a kid and young adult, but got let down so many times, I developed a kind of defense mechanism where I don’t really get excited about anything. My wife finds this difficult to understand because she still acts like a 3 year old when she gets excited about something.

  5. I don’t.

    I’m a large 30yo man that has gone through a lot of BS in life.
    Unless someone is trying to physically hurt me or piss me off I don’t get worked up over anything.. and trust me it’s not a positive thing

  6. It seems I have been given two solutions, this might be depression and to get help. And cocaine.

    Will getting both doubly help me?

  7. A hobby should get you fired up. If not why even do it?

    Most apathy nowadays is caused by overly indulging in simple pleasures with porn, video games, social media, drugs etc.. They give you so much pleasure that you become resistant to less intense pleasures.

    But I think the opposite can also be true. Overworking yourself and not indulging enough can leave you soulless and hopeless.

    If its not either of those things its probably best to get a therapist since fixing the issue probably requires some deep reflexion not easily achieved alone.

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