I lost my father earlier this year and have to sell his house, to balance his estate etc. My wife has constantly insited I must keep this, and I must keep that.

There are things I want to keep, and much I do not. We have been at odds ever since I started clearing the house.

I don’t knoe how much more of it I can take. She will ‘hoard’ everything if she could. I’m so exhausted by it and she will not see it my way.

Any advise please, I really don’t know where to turn. Now my dads gone, I have nobody to see things my way.

  1. Those are your possessions and you do what you want to do with them. Give your wife the choice of keeping three smaller items she can keep, the rest is for you to decide.

  2. These are your father’s things, not your wife’s. She doesn’t have to see it your way? “Honey, you can keep x things, and I’m getting rid of the rest. These are not your things, but my dad’s things, and I will take care of them as I see fit. Please stand down and let me do my job. You don’t have to agree with me. You just have to get out of the way.”

  3. Not her place to insert herself in this process. Your Dad – your responsibility to make decisions about what stays or goes.

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