Suddenly I’m overly sensitive about what my close people say to me and I’m really irritated with myself. I typically like to laugh at myself and enjoy when my friends harmlessly laugh at my mistakes too. We like to all pick at each other, but now it’s like they have to walk on eggshells suddenly so I don’t get hurt. What brought me to post is what happened last night. My friend said I am an alertest which then got me to quickly deny, ask what he means by it, asked when the last time it was that I was being too alert and so on. It’s a spiral. He said he really doesn’t want to get into it this time cuz it’s going to be this hour long thing where he has to explain everything he just said, and has no emotional energy for it. I am completely aware of how annoying I am but at that moment, I see black when it happens. I ended the conversation with him (this was over the phone) and in a matter of 15 min, texted him to apologize about how I always mess it up. He said how I’m spiraling about spiraling and got even more irritated. I got diagnosed with anxiety about 6 months ago so I know it is a part of that. I am currently taking buspirone 15mg a day but it’s not helping me. I can’t see my psychiatrist until my new insurance kicks in and need some help. How can I stop being so annoying? My friends have been so patient with me and I’m honestly a fun person aside from this awful trait, but I wana fix this, I hate this about me. L- Theanine or Weed isn’t helping either.

  1. HealthygamerGG on twitch or YouTube. He has a lot of amazing videos. Awareness, journaling, and getting professional perspectives from someone who won’t judge you. Just enlighten. You’re recognizing your difficulties and looking to better yourself, which will improve your life and relationships.

    I’m proud of you. Let’s all face ourselves, practice personal empathy, and grow.

  2. over-sensitivity is also known as being too reliant on what you feel. That’s why medicines don’t work since you are doing an automatic response whenever you felt something that doesn’t sound right. Try fighting back since you’re the only one who’s doing the actions themselves, you can create meanings to that reaction in order to lessen their effects. I too can get abit over-sensitive sometimes but I can get out of that feeling and still fight 😀

  3. I have no educated advice, but… be nice to yourself! Someone labeling you, or how you feel can be harsh feeling even if it holds truth.
    Take care of yourself, get some vitamin D, try and do things that might quiet your mind a little when you need it.

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