I am specifically referring to a social gathering type situation. Events like parties, work functions, etc.

  1. Anyone at a work function since those events suck across the board.

    At a social event with friends? Any dude I don’t know approaching.

  2. Bad breath, the speaker is too close to me, the speaker is noticeably drunk/high, when the speaker is already staring at my tits.

  3. There’s just this “swagger,” I guess you could call it, that I can read from across the room. Someone who’s assured but in a way I know I definitely do not agree with.

  4. When people ask me what I do for a living. It’s usually so they can brag about what they do. So pretentious.

  5. If I feel unsafe for any reason

    I don’t give a shit if I hurt someone’s feelings, if I feel in danger I’m gonna bounce

  6. When their entire body language and general vibe just screams either too cocky and assertive or too insecure and shy. If I can tell from across the room that they’re uncomfortable or are gonna make me uncomfortable, I’ll pretend I didn’t see them approaching and walk over to someone I know lol

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