I(25 Male) will be moving to a new country soon, Germany.

I am currently learning the language but I wanted some skills to know how to befriend new people and that’s when I remembered an event back in college that I want to share with you.

My background: I’m an introvert guy. I don’t talk too much but I am very respectful. Some friends find me so fun to hang out with and I like to take it slow with people. I don’t throw myself at them, I tend to make polite conversations with them first. In college, a girl told me that despite the class being devided in groups of 4 and 5, I’m one of the few ones who is liked by almost every group. I’m not everyone’s best friend, but I’m a very good friend to everyone and that’s something that makes me feel proud and happy. PS: ( I’m decent when it comes to looks, my height is 179 cm, I’d say I’m a 7/10. I was slim though back in college ).

Event: There was an integration event for a club I joined back in college where we went to a hotel. There were around 60 people. I got along super well with most of the guys! We became friends so quickly, danced and had fun… but not the girls and I don’t know why. I did not try to hit on them or anything, but I got the feeling that they did not want to have any kind of conversation with me. It felt like they chose specific ‘guys’ to talk to, the handsome charismatic ones… I mean we were supposed to socialize and get to know each other. Yet I got out of the event with 0 new female friends and a lot of guy friends.

My conversation with the few girl were quite simple: What department are you studying in ? Are you from the city ? Why did you join this club ? Yet they just responded and didn’t bother carrying the conversation and ask me back about something… unlike the guys. I felt like I’m interviewing them because they did not tell me “And you?” LOL.

So, in my new life abroad, I want to make new friends and I want to hear your feedbacks, experiences and what do you think about this event I told you about.

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