Hi, honestly I didn’t even meet this man until 2 months ago. But he makes me feel like I’ve never liked anyone before compared to him. It terrifies me how fast I’m falling head over heels for him. We found eachother with romantic intentions but about a month in we talked about how his last relationship absolutely traumatized him and he doesn’t want to move too fast. He told me he wants to stay friends and see if anything happens, but we’ve still been on and off affectionate. This afternoon he told me he’s trying to think of me as a very good friend that would be nice if it went somewhere eventually with.

I’d still be content if 3 years from now he told me he just wanted to be friends because I’d be happy to just keep him in my life.

But this h u r t s.
I’ve never felt like this towards anyone before even though I’ve been in several relationships and even moved in with my last partner.

  1. Maybe tell him what it is you are going through. If he’s that traumatized by his last relationship he may take it badly, buy just emphasize that you will be willing to be very patient and the biggest thing you want him to take away from this is that you not only want him apart of your life as well as you in his, but you are willing to put in the work required to be with him.

    At worst he rejects you, at best he doesn’t. Either way you will not want to waste years of your life just on one man without some sort of commitment.

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