I’ll be the first to admit I’m not the greatest at oral or fingering. But I try, I really do. And I want to get better, but I don’t want me trying to come at the cost of her getting annoyed with my missteps while learning.

I don’t want exploration to turn into annoyance that I am wandering all over the map.

So, I am hoping for some pointers. I’m hoping to be both mature and sincere about this, and that responses be both mature and sincere as well.

I want my wife to crave sex as much as I do. So I need to make it an equally pleasurable experience for her.

How can I get better? Should I integrate certain toys or lubes for added pleasure (like warming or even THC/CBD lubes)?

Thank you in advance!

  1. If she is open to the use of toys, I’d visit an adult store together and you both pick out a few toys that look fun, that you can use on her.

    The warming/cooling lubes I absolutely love, but they may not be for everyone, so might be something to discuss with her.

  2. I’d suggest you start hours before with telling her exactly what you plan and desire, this would build her expectations and if everything goes ok by the time you start she will melt in your hands

  3. Unless you are very unlucky, she will be turned on just by the thought that you are interested in expending the effort and time to get better at pleasing her. In theory that should increase her patience as you learn. And since she will be the teacher. It should go pretty quickly, providing she doesn’t have some hang up regarding that.

    This could be a really fun and valuable journey. I wish you all the best.

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