Recently graduated from college and currently on the job hunt. So not meeting new people and not making money. So recipe for making it really hard to meet new people.

Idk I miss getting to know someone. Going out for food and just spending the night driving around town. And you know thinking do I want to date this person?

The current situation makes me wish I could meet new people a bit easier.

  1. I’m 21 male man and never even had a girl as my friend for 10 years now. I’ve been rejected 6 times this year and once 3 years ago. And I’m now too busy as my career focused, school focused, and club focused. I tried posting here it didn’t let me lol. So in the same boat.

  2. 30 minutes a day sending out your resume and cover letters.

    Assuming 8 hours sleep, what are you doing with the other 15.5 hours? Do you go out to meetup groups? FB groups? Volunteer work? Even casual retail work. There’s plenty of ways to meet people.

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