For the last 3 months, my discharge has stopped going through the regular phases and it is just a weird texture, white in color, sometimes very very pale yellow. It is the exact same throughout the whole month and I still get my normal period. The discharge is not thick or thin, not stretchy. It looks like I have a yeast infection but I have absolutely no other symptoms and I’ve tried treatment twice (suppositories) but it didn’t make any difference. i don’t have health insurance so I can’t go see a doctor. Are there other OTC things I can try? Does anyone know what’s going on? Is it a yeast infection with no itching/burning?

  1. Have you changed contraception recently? Or have you been taking any other medications like antibiotics, cortisteroids etc.?

  2. Have you been sexually active since the last time you were STI tested? If you’re financially able to get tested, you may want to consider doing that just to make sure

  3. A yeast infection doesnt have to itch! And can just cause like an uncomfy pain during penetration.

    However, you need find a way to figure out getting to a doctor im sorry! 🙁

    You will probably need stronger treatment than just OTC at this point if it is a yeast infection. But you can try just talking to the pharmacist first? They know what meds can help.

    If it keeps coming back, then its a less common fungus and needs specific medication which a doctor only can prescribe.
    However untreated or aggressive yeast infections tend to eventually lead to inflammation and sores.

    Yellowy discharge of any kind besides eggwhitey yellow right before your period is a sign of bacterial infection. BV, yeast (a range of vaginitis) and chlamydia/other stds.

    If it gets a darker yellow AT ALL, seriously, doctor. That’s an std or worse.

    Also please note that SOMETIMES a yellowy discharge can mean pregnancy. If your periods have changed *at all*, uh.. yeah pregnancy test that shit.

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