What was cool when you were young, but isn’t cool now?

  1. Free Speech

    Harry Potter

    Men chasing after Women

    Slap Bracelets

    The Right to Privacy

    Having Antique Cars for Sunday driving

    Trying to get the mentally ill to seek help instead of validation

    Chia Pets

  2. Wasn’t necessarily cool but used to you could eat a hotdog without immature kids acting like it’s a dick

  3. Seeing who could take a hit to the balls better. If you’re still doing that after 23 you’re an idiot.

  4. A lot of “dated” comedy movies I can think of like Harold & Kumar or American Pie which would be vilified if it released today

  5. Acting “grown up”

    If I had to explain: thinking ur the biggest shit in either ages 12-20 or whenever life finally gives you the kick in the ass for you to realize you ain’t that shit. Also includes drinking, thinking being a hoe (doesn’t matter if it’s a girl or guy, stay safe) is cool or smoking whatever. I’m glad the only issue I had was the ego towards others and authority. My only fallout was realizing the world won’t cater to my ego or my woes as it doesn’t care and I need to get ahead myself. It’s kinda this that bothers me on how kids are acting grown earlier or it’s more known cuz of TikTok.

  6. #Being able to joke about anything and not be labeled a terrible human being on the spot.

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