Ive been trying to leave from under my rock by talking to people out and about, but I just dont think it works for me. Ive hated every second of trying to talk to people. I often get ignored or intterupted. Worse, is that others around me talk and conversate so much better.
Im 27 and trying to meet and make a life socially is really starting to feel like its too late for me. Im so tired so fuckin tired.

  1. The good thing about self esteem is that you have 100% control over it. You don’t require other people to build it back up.

    Why are you so tired? Too late to start?

    These are all mind traps you are setting for yourself. There’s no better day to start than today.

    Don’t judge yourself based on others, take a good look at yourself, worts and all… then find out all the qualities you have. Look for like minded people to share your ideas with.

    That is what social situations boils down to… enjoying yourself, human warmth, sharing ideas.

    Best of Luck

  2. Being Ignored or interrupted sucks, if it’s blatant intentional rudeness then call them out on it, if not just jokingly say something, dont be afraid to express yourself how you want to, we’re all human and have experienced similar things, some people need things spelling out for them, its better than holding grudges and getting annoyed silently and if they got a big problem with it, find better friends

    Self esteem happens from within, make sure you manage all basic needs such as – health, stress, sleep, have goals and contribute to society, stay busy. If you respect and take care of yourself then others will

  3. I tell everyone to join an interest-based community or two. You don’t even have to talk hardly at all at first.

    Are quotes still a popular thing online? Awhile ago I read one, something like, “Do the thing even if it will take a long time. The time will pass anyway.” Just keep plugging away at it, find different paths of least resistance that suck less. The time will pass either way and you’ll be better off, even if it hasn’t been a path of rose petals leading to a perfect fantasy outcome.

  4. Really appreciating all the advice, I really needed it, I have very little understanding with interacting with people in person. Your comments really helped me out!

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