Me (24) and my girlfriend (25) have sex about 2 times a week. Once in awhile when we do have sex I can see this creamy white liquid that is from her on my penis. This only happens when she is really aroused and getting into it. So I’m just wondering if that is discharge from her or what it is. I know it’s not cum because I usually notice it before I cum and it’s sometimes a decent amount when I see it.

  1. Same thing with my gf sometimes. I’m lucky to have it almost everyday, but on the weeks where we go without a few days, same substance too.

  2. After we ovulate our bodies produce a thicker creamier discharge, this is produced usually to block semen as you are no longer ovulating or ‘fertile’ it’s usually around for a few days.

  3. Totally normal.

    It honestly concerns me that folks are having sex that have almost no knowledge of female anatomy, and no ability to communicate with their partner. Just yikes.

  4. As other commenters say, yea it’s normal for vaginas to produce different types of discharge. Some are creamy and white, sometimes it’s a thinner kind of liquid. All normal.

    BUT there are also unhealthy kinds of discharge. If it’s really “a lot” and especially if it’s kind of chunky she might have a yeast infection or another kind of infection/STI. If there’s any kind of itchy feeling she should go to the doctor.

    You can kindly and gently inquire with her about these things in a way that is not shaming or upsetting, only curious and supportive.

  5. You got cum she has vaginal lubrication. totally normal safe and hot that she gets so wet for you. Stop overthinking and enjoy her.

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