So I’ve (24f) been seeing this guy (21m) for the past 3 months that I know from back home. I’m currently at uni so we’re about 2 hours apart. He’s been to visit me twice and I went home once to see him and we had sex on all those occasions. He’s a lot more experienced than me (he said he enjoyed the sex but I really didn’t do much lol). Anyway he has the highest sex drive of any guys I’ve ever met it’s crazy, he’s just ALWAYS horny. Obviously big issue there is that we’re 2 hours apart. I asked him where his head was at and he said he doesn’t want a relationship rn (his ex hurt him quite bad) just some fun but he isn’t interested in talking to anyone else. So basically I’m just confused, he doesn’t want a relationship but he’s choosing to only talk to me who lives 2 hours away and he has an insanely high sex drive?! What does this meannnn why would he not just find someone else closer to him

  1. Friends with benefits. He was hurt he does not want to go there again, you provide sex and go away so it’s safe for him.

    Plus all 21yrld guys want to fuck constantly I don’t see what’s so confusing here.

  2. Maybe you just make him feel safe and comfortable. Even if he doesn’t wanna commit, your still someone he wants to spend time with and have sex with. Maybe just see where it goes? Don’t put too much pressure on it.

  3. If he was hurt bad he probably doesn’t trust a lot of women right now. He does trust you, but he’s not ready for a full-on commitment, so keeping it casual. But really only he can say for sure.

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