Seems to come up in every damn conversation regarding a woman.

It’s so easy to see a flashy narcissistic boobs out gold digger from a mile away, I steer well clear. Yet all I see is men running after them and treating them like princesses when they don’t deserve it and taking it out on the nice girls. Wtf is that about.

  1. I think put off is a more accurate term than terrified. Probably because we deal with it all the damn time and it makes dating even more of a nightmare than it already is.

  2. ….cuz using someone for their money especially feigning love to them is disgusting and sadly very common.

  3. There are a number of reasons why this society is terrified about women being gold diggers. The first reason is that gold diggers are often associated with being materialistic and shallow. This means that they are often seen as being more interested in a man’s money than they are in his personality or character. This can make it difficult for men to trust gold diggers, and it can also make it difficult for men to feel comfortable dating them. Another reason why this society is terrified about women being gold diggers is because they are often seen as taking advantage of men who are vulnerable or who may be going through a tough time financially. This can leave men feeling used and cheated, which can further damage their self-esteem and make them less likely to want to date or marry a woman who is a gold digger.

  4. Ever notice how it’s dudes who don’t got money who are real worried about it? haha

    Men or women, there are bad people out there who are looking to taking advantage of you in some way. Men feel that women are out for their money. Women feel men only want them for sex.

    Edit: I’ve dated plenty of people in my 10-ish years of having girlfriends, and I can think of only two people who really come to mind who made me feel like they wanted to take advantage of me, and I shut that shit down quick

    People are just inherently worried about being taken advantage of.

  5. People change overtime, what if your spouse becomes a gold digger?
    Do you seriously think that a woman trying to use marital law to rob you, will tell the truth?
    It happens to men so often it’s every 3rd divorced guys story.
    It happens so often that I won’t even tell you how those men scrape by now. So they can keep doing it.

  6. Is it an age thing?

    I’m gay, so obviously not considered about women, but as a guy old enough to have serious assets, it *is* the first thing that crosses my mind if a guy who’s way too young for me or out of my league messages me on a dating app.

  7. I think a lot of really rich guys know they’re with golddiggers and they don’t care. They’ve got prenups, and they’re getting something out of the situation too.

  8. Everything in life has a price. You just have to make sure it’s worth it. I personally detest gold diggers, but if you just want to use one while they use you? I don’t see a problem.

  9. I wouldn’t say terrified, but I definitely have my guard up. If you are really a “nice girl”, that shouldn’t be a problem for you. If you can go Dutch on dates, I won’t have any suspicions about you.

    Also, not all gold diggers are your stereotypical gold diggers. There’s a lot of softer “finessing” going on too. I know a few girls that are a 3-4/10 and they used to finesse desperate guys on tinder out of dinner in college. That’s not full on gold digging, but it’s definitely finessing by rather average women. There’s also teachers who generally don’t make enough to not live with their parents unless they have a SO paying part of their way. You think they are incentivized to go out and get a SO who will pay part of their way? Absolutely. Is that necessarily the worst thing in the world? No, everyone brings different things to the table, but you should at least be aware of it so you don’t get taken advantage of by someone who doesn’t even like you.

  10. > It’s so easy to see a flashy narcissistic boobs out gold digger from a mile away

    No it’s not. Some women play the long game*. I was with someone for years who let me live at her house rent free. I thought I’d be crazy to say no. All she wanted was for me to do some upgrades on her house. I’m pretty handy so I was happy to do it. I paid.

    When I decided to take a break from house projects and sit back for a bit to enjoy my hard work on what I thought would be our forever home, I was kicked out. She is now repeating the process with her new partner.

    *I would not be surprised if the same is true if the genders are reversed, but I have only ever dated women.

  11. Men will pursue women they want to have sex with, no matter what the risk.

    I’m not terrified, but have watched many friends get royally screwed over in a divorce. Nothing like losing half your assets AND half of everything you will ever earn, to make you leary of marriage.

  12. lol you think golddiggers are always obvious. have some respect for the adversary. they come in all shapes n sizes

    the greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didnt exist

  13. No one is “Terrified” of them, just annoyed and bored with them.

    They are usually attractive in some way physically, but Holy shit are gold diggers the fucking scum of the earth.

    Please find another phrase:

    Annoyed, sick of, hates, aversion to, would rather pet a rabid gorilla…… etc.

  14. I think you’ve got at least two things going on in your post and replies.

    The long-term commitment/marriage and men being screwed over in divorce court laws and how the courts and laws generally treat them has already been alluded to a bit by others.

    The second part I can make the point by reversing the situation. I can see a charismatic better-looking guy that I can tell is completely full of shit from talking to him for less than a minute. Why do young women so often go for that guy? To paraphrase a Simon and Garfunkel lyric they just “hear what they want to hear and disregard the rest”. They will disregard or downplay any obvious flaws in that regard. They’ll bitch about the fuckboi but keep on going after that type and then take out their frustrations on the next guy who isn’t.

    To add onto the second part in the club situation – men are going to go for the women that are looking sexy and looking like they are fun and possibly open to having more fun. Subtle hints of interest or openness to being approached are completely invisible to most men. Now if the more covered up was approaching the guys, she might get some interest she wants that way – she’d also discover the rejection that is the common experience of most men.

  15. Not terrified, they just have less to offer me (apart from hassle and migraines) than my cash poor self has to offer them.

    And if you actually see men pulling that crap, they’re naïve, idiots, or naïve idiots. Species wouldn’t even be around if those muppets were actually representative men.

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