So before i even say anything im pretty sure im thinking the same thing everyone ia going to comment lol but i still need a second opinion.
So i recently took off my birthcontrol and i Told my boyfriend we had to start using condoms we havent had any intercourse in a while now and just yesterday we did he pulled a condom out didnt ask when he got them, he just said its the only one i have i had bought a pack of 3they all got wet that he spilled water on them, (unopened) and this is the only one that looked ok and i threw them away! In my head iknow what he said but im trying to ignore it and not be so toxic but i think he used them or can they really mess up if the box get wet while unopened? Idk i have searched google and nothing points to a condom wrapper getting damaged by water lol 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ im not saying im scared to get prego btw i take care of myself, iknow i wontget prego, but i feel like something is going on! 😭

  1. Extremely unlikely but you could try plan B if its stressing you out & both take more care next time.

    Good luck

  2. this is a stupid physical thing of the condoms, unfortunately

    too warm where they were stored, so they sweated in the package itself – the water is condensation – like the small waterdrops in meat or cheese packages that sometimes collect in the plastic package

    Good thing you threw them away, this sign means that they’re unusable and could break / rip

    buy a new pack and store them somewhere not as warm as before – and especially NOT on your person – body heat could have the same effect^^

  3. Sorry but what, why would water damage a condom inside a plastic wrapper?
    Condoms wrappers are air tight to prevent them from going bad

  4. Has he used condoms before? Maybe he had a couple of practice runs putting them on, but didn’t want to come across as an amateur?

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