And caffeine makes you sleepy. I feel like whenever there’s a time I need to meet someone my energy gets even low, why? & how do I change this? do you go through the same thing?

  1. You need to perceive the act of socializing as something that gives you energy. What can help is drawing parallels to something that already DOES give you energy. Do you like gaming? Think of socializing as a game – you’re slowly leveling up with each interaction, and learning things about others is each independent mission. This is just one example but you can hack your brain like this in many ways to get better at socializing.

    Try meditation too, it’ll help you stop with the internal narratives that have you freezing up or freaking out. edit: [Here’s a post I wrote on the value of meditation.](

  2. much of human bonding is not through talking but simply existing around each other.

    If you are constantly low on energy however, you may need to make adjustments to your diet, exercise, or sleep schedule!

  3. Get screened for ADHD, friend. Caffeine making you sleepy is classic catecholamine shortage.

  4. Hey have you tried sleeping with your door open with a fan pushing new oxygen in the room. Sounds like your sleeping with too much c02 in your room

  5. Go to your doctor and check for defiencies


    A couple months ago i was in the same position, i had 0 energy at 19 years old. Turns out i was extremely iron deficient and starting taking supplements for it and my energy has gone up exponentially


    Another tip i would give you is to focus on getting quality sleep. Sleeping 8 hours will do you well, but if you want to take it up a notch, i reccomend taking magnesium and/or CBD oil before bed. Once you maximize your sleep quality, my energy went through the roof

  6. Introversion sucks in regards to social, you might have a stronger version of it.

    I have a big energy when I’m out socializing (my job requires it) but I’m conked out for like 4-5 hours after it because it drains me completely.

    ADHD is something you could get screened for as well, not a health professional but I know a few people that suffered from ADHD and lost energy when consuming caffeine.

    Try to see if you can form long distance friendships, 80% of my personal friendships are established over chat where we can take our time messaging.

  7. Tony Robbins says ‘change your physiology, change your state (mind, energy, etc). Do some breath work, some jumping jacks, pushups, whatever but change your physiological state and see what happens. Good luck.

  8. Brother honestly if your energy is low then the interaction will be too formal and too boring. If there is a person who has low energy then the interaction will just stall at a point no matter how much interesting a topic is. You have to be in high energy mood to have engaging and fun conversations. If you want to enter in high energy mood personally I recommend to listen to some party songs or some heavy metal songs, these types of songs help to be in a high energy mood instantly and after that my interaction with other people becomes very much interesting

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