My(25f) sex life with my boyfriend has been amazing. We had met over a year ago and we’re just fwb and after a health scare became a couple. Due to us both being in the restaurant industry sometimes we’re too tired/busy to fit sex into our week, but it’s extremely important to both of us. This happened to be a busy and extremely stressful week for myself.

Now onto the problem I’m having. I’m into him, I’m hot and ready like a Little Caesars pizza and the sex itself feels amazing! Unfortunately I’m one of those women who can only cum with clitoral stimulation. For the past week when I’m having sex with my partner and I go to stimulate myself, it just doesn’t do it. I can masturbate alone but when we have sex I can’t get there. He keeps asking what he can do differently to help get me off and I don’t know how to answer. He thinks it has something to do with him and now it’s seriously effecting our sex life.

I thought maybe i have been over stimulating myself but i haven’t been masturbating much and I haven’t been using my vibrator. I was looking up answers but that always leads to google giving you some big problem that ends in you dying in 4 months. I’m coming here to see if other women have had the same problem or if any one has any recommendations to help with sensitivity. I’m desperate to have my sex life back to normal.

  1. You’re a human being with feelings and a physical timer. Some days you’re not gonna work how you want and you’re gonna make your problems bigger by worrying about it. Be kind to yourself, you just need time. It’s totally normal.

  2. I have been having a similar issue recently too, you are definitely not alone. Maybe try using your vibrator with him if you haven’t already? Obviously its sometimes nice to not have to use it but if you’re feeling disconnected in the bedroom it might help for the time being. Otherwise the best advice i can give is try to stay out of your own head. Its okay to have sex and not finish (although I understand how that might effect him negatively if he’s feeling like hes not satisfying you). Good luck

  3. I have been dealing with this off and on for years now too. Sometimes I can’t feel anything ever and some positions even if I feel it are completely dead to me because I can’t feel it ever. It does suck

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