Hello all i have come seeking advice i have been married with my wife for about 4 years. i unfortunately have lost all intrest in having sex and as you could imagine had put strain on our marriage. ive tried telling my wife it has nothing to do with her but i just have a lack of drive or missing one entirely she doesnt believe me after many times telling her otherwise. i do not know what to do anymore i feel like i get no where for telling the truth.

  1. Why have you lost your libido? Are you on medication do you need therapy?
    Are you OK with not sleeping with your wife?

  2. Have you lost all interest in giving your wife pleasure, even if you don’t want sexual pleasure for yourself?

  3. I would say you need to make a doctors appointment. Are you on medication for depression? Maybe it needs to be increased or you need to try a different medication. Maybe consider reaching out to a therapsit for a few visits if you can afford it to see what’s going on. Wouldn’t hurt to take her out on a date if you haven’t been out on one lately.

  4. Definitely would recommend scheduling a drs appointment and maybe getting your hormones checked. Or trying different depression medication if the one you were on before didn’t work. There’s lots out there. It’s a tough spot to be in, struggling with mental health that can lead to a low libido. Hang in there bud

  5. I know how you feel. I was the same for ages. What has caused this? Are you on any SSRI’s? How’s your work schedule? A loss of libido can be from stress of work as well. This was what happened to me. Swapped from 65 hours a week to working 9-5. Helped restore our sex life. See a doctor and get bloods done, have your Testosterone levels checked.

    Do you still get turned on if your wife does touch you sexually? If so, you may find that a prescription to Ciallis/Viagra may help.

    Do you still help your wife sexually? Oral, toys, hands, etc. Make sure she still gets sexual attention even if you’re not fully into it.

    But above all, get that doctor’s appointment set up!

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