So my lady has a prostitution kink. She likes to dress in what some might consider stereotypical ways and have me treat her in various stereotypical ways. Sometimes degrading, sometimes just using her, sometimes taking her out and talking about her price and what I want from her. I have a two part question.

Does this seem like an odd kink? I posted about this elsewhere and it got bad reactions, so I started looking it up and there isn’t much out there. She knows the reality isn’t like the way I treat her, but it’s still her thing.

Any good ideas or sources that I can improve this for her? Neither of us have ever been or been with a sex worker, so we basically go off things we’ve seen in movies… I looked up some terms, like “provider” and she liked that.

  1. Normal kink to have.

    To improve it ask her to make a hooker menu for you to order off. Have cost, outfit and sex acts

  2. I do too, almost to an unhealthy level. I want to try it sometime. Maybe just once, because it’s the type of thing, that even if I don’t like it, will probably get me off remembering it for the rest of my life. My bigger worry is that I do like it and don’t stop…

    Some of my fantasies:

    Gloryholes, truck stops, biker bars, hotel bars, cheap motels, being forced, written on, passed around.

  3. Ehh. It’s a roleplay scenario; such things can get way weirder than that.

    You could play it up by actually picking your own wife up off a street corner. Set up a tripod camera while you do it. When you finish, throw a few bills at her and immediately turn your back and leave. I bet she’d be way into that.

  4. It seems like a pretty normal kink to me (whatever “normal” means). Maybe she’s into the taboo nature of sex work, or perhaps she enjoys some flavor of humiliation/power exchange, or maybe having her services “bought” makes her feel desirable. I get it. It’s probably not an uncommon roleplay scenario.

    I don’t have any experience in the world of sex work, so I can’t offer advice on how to make things feel more real. But maybe the two of you could set up a joint bank account specifically for this play. She can put her own money into it, and you can “pay” her for sex from this account. Then she gets to cash the checks into her regular account, so she’ll feel like she “earned” this money (although in reality it was her money to begin with). Although I don’t know… maybe that’s adding a layer of complexity that you don’t really need. I’m just kind of brainstorming here. 😛

  5. It’s cute, book a hotel and have her meet you in the bar or at your room and then role play!

  6. Normal, if somewhat uncommon kink to have. Or at least, nit commonly admitted to. But still: the fact that neither of you have had any sex work touching any part of your lives, i.e. weren’t sex workers, don’t have friends or relatives who are, and that most of what you know and replicate comes from mainstream movies…well, it doesn’t get much more “This is harmless fantasy, not a wish looking to get fulfilled” than that, to my thinking.

    Enjoy! If you live in an area where this could be low-risk accomplished you could pre-plan it with her to be at place X, dressed whorish under a long jacket, and then roll up slow and have the hooker/John conversation through a rolled down passenger side window. You both get to be a little more in your roles (it helps if you actually pull a wad of cash from the ATM to peel off and give her once you seal the deal.

    I know of this in such detail because my uncle drunkenly cried about doing this two or three times with his recently departed wife, which is definitely too much sharing, but there you have it.

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