assuming he is straight

  1. Not a common pet, but not exactly exotic or unheard of either – you can get them at all the large pet stores around here.

  2. I had a friend tell me she thought it strange that I had cats. Apparently, as a man, I should have a dog. Fuck what people think, people are stupid.

  3. It’s unusual but not weird, they are fascinating creatures when people take the time to study their behaviours.

  4. I dunno, for a child not too weird, but the older you get, the more super-villain-y you’ll become, I’d say.

  5. It’s not, bunnies are a fine pet. Used to have one, a lion head named Conan the bunnybarian. Screw what others think if they don’t like it, their petty weakness isn’t your problem

  6. I’d assume he likes rabbits?

    They are pretty weird pets and they’re cute. Just piss and drop butt pellets all over the place.

  7. Not weird, but finding an exotic pet Vet in the area can be a bit difficult. I own several ferrets and have owned several others over the past 6 years. My in-laws owned a rabbit as well. Other in-laws have owned several chickens/roosters, as well as pigeons and a wolf-husky hybrid dog.

    Everyone has their preferences, and it would weird to think that anyone has to choose from a limited pool based on others biases.

  8. Not weird at all…why is this even a question? Are rabbits linked to homosexual stereotypes in some way I’m not aware of?

  9. Rabbits mentality are cross between puppies and kittens that never grow up and if anyone thinks guys wouldn’t want that, the problem is them not you. I love my rabbits, they are the most amazing pets to have. Took me 3 days to litter train them too. Smart little guys.

  10. Not remotely weird.
    I’ve had rabbits and they can be lovely pets.
    Easy to care for, quiet, and they have fun personalities.

    As long as their area is clean, they don’t really smell either and their poo is easy to clean.

  11. I know 1 straight guy who owns a bunny. He got it in the divorce.

    But like it’s as big as a cat it’s chill AF.

  12. A small amount, depends on why he has it, if it was his choice it’s a bit more weird, if he has to take care of it because of someone else it’s respectable.

  13. I’ve got a couple of rabbits. I got them from a rescue place. They’re both cool as fuck. One of them only has one eye because at his previous home he lost an eye in a fight with another rabbit. He actually won the fight, though, apparently by biting the other rabbits bollocks off. Absolutely savage behaviour. My other rabbit only has one ear. Christ knows how she lost it. I like to feed them strawberries. They’re probably not meant to eat too many of them but they look really happy when they’re munching them, and they make funny excited noises.

  14. Woman here but… why would that be weird at all? My grandfather had a few pet rabbits way back in the day and no one bat an eyelash at him. Then again he grew up in a rural area, but still.

    What’s important is that you love your pets and treat them right.

  15. You serious? What do pets and sexuality have anything to do with it? This is a strange world we live in.

  16. How pathetic is it for a guy to think he shouldn’t own a pet rabbit because he’s afraid of what other guys might think?

  17. this is a stupid question its an animal its no different from a woman having a rabbit

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