So some background, I go to a community college and she’s in two of my classes. After the first week or so back in the end of August, she DMd me on instagram saying that she was going to be gone for both classes that next week and asked if I could catch her up on stuff she missed. I said sure and she said, “You’re the bomb!” and to add her Snapchat as she’s not on insta much. I was sorta reluctant to the whole Snapchat thing but I like her so I did it anyways. Things were going pretty well, she asked if I wanted to take a tour of the town with her because she‘s from here and so of course I said yes. After that we were still talking here and there over Snapchat mostly since she has a job and we only have class together 3 days out of the week. I eventually asked her on a Wednesday 3 weeks ago if she was free that Sunday cause I suggested we get food and go to a park or something to which she said, “Lemme see if I get off of work on time”. I said, “Sounds good” and we haven’t talked since then. I posted a lot on my instagram story over the weekend and I noticed she saw all of them (there was a lot) so I don’t want to over react and just drop her if there’s still a chance she’s into me but I’m an over thinker so I need some assistance haha. It also seems I’m a professional at misreading things.

1 comment
  1. I’d say give it another try. Obviously I don’t have all the facts but imo no one just gives someone a “tour of the town” unless they are at least somewhat interested. It may have just slipped her mind or she might have wanted you to reach back out. You’ll never know unless you try again.

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