The first time I (44)set up a date with a woman (37) she went MIA. She did not respond to my calls and did not show. She later called me and told me she overslept because she works at night. I gave her the benefit of the doubt , so I went out on a date with her and it was great! Eventually, she would FaceTime me and we connected. She introduced me to her boss while on FaceTime in a funny way. She says that she is shy. At one point she seemed to have become jealous over past comments women made on my social media posts. We talked about it and she seemed okay with it.

However we had a second date set up she wanted to come over to my place for lunch. However, she flaked out last minute. She called me the next day and asked me to call her the next day so we could plan to meet up later in the week. She even gave me some potential time frames. She did not a answer or return the call when I did reach out. I sent her a text with some specific suggestions for days and times and she never responded with a yes or no answer at all. When we do talk she expresses a lot of interest but now she seems to be MIA. This has been consistent type of behavior since I first started talking to her.

I have thought about just letting her know that If she cannot be respectful of my energy and time that this will not work out.

What do you think I should do? Do you think she can really be that shy like she claims?

1 comment
  1. I’d avoid being confrontational, but still talk about it with her. Maybe ask her to add some more context on how she is “shy”. If the behaviour is consistent as you say, then there’s a cycle and a root cause.

    I don’t know why….but I just picked out highs and lows with interactions from your post.

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