for me it is definitely the mini cow milks we would have and playing with the big rainbow parachute if we were good. or golden time/show and tell – i miss being a kid

  1. Last day of term watching a video

    Also nearly all my memories of primary school seem to be in the summer, is that weird?

  2. I miss the innocence of life, just being a kid wanting to play bulldog at playtime and not having a care in the world.

  3. The puddings. Got to admit we had some great desserts – mainly the huge slabs of sponge cake with icing and sprinkles, cornflake tart and the huge swirly biscuits that no matter how many times and recipes I try I just can’t replicate!

  4. The teacher running out of things to do and killing the last ten minutes until the bell by announcing a game of Heads-Down-Thumbs-Up

    Not sure we ever twigged that this was her way of keeping 30 easily bored little humans – who had never given her a minute’s peace all day – quiet for a while

  5. Golden time, would literally kick off and go on an absolute bender and cross all mines off haha. I must have been a lunatic.

  6. I don’t miss anything about school. I went to 4 different primary schools (across 5 years of primary because we moved from another country and I had to skip year 3) and 2 secondaries so most of what I remember is being on edge all the time, worrying about when my family was next going to move across country/how long it would take me to make friends at the next school (I had a hard time making friends).

    I much prefer being an adult and being able to have control over my life.

  7. I’d never admit it in person but probably the hymns/songs. Everyone properly belting out some absolute bangers in the morning. Felt like we were all full of enthusiasm and having a brilliant time, wish I could have bottled that feeling and used it now.

    Can still remember the words to Cauliflowers Fluffy, Shine Jesus Shine, and This Little Light of Mine

  8. Mate just suggested a reply as a joke.

    It’s been just over 25 years but still feels too soon…

  9. Feeling genuinely pride over the fact that you were so well behaved that you had collected enough “gone the whole day without a single warning” vouchers that you got to trade them all in for a good behavior gold card. That thing felt like a credit card, if made me feel like such a grown up.

  10. Primary school and early secondary school was hell. I was bullied mercilessly and the few friends I had seemed like they didn’t want to be my friends really they just weren’t bothered. The teacher treated me like an idiot because I was 2 years behind in education due to moving from a different country. The only good thing was watching horrible histories in the after school club.

  11. I miss singing songs in assembly. Tho many were boring there were alwasy a couple that I loved. I well up if I ever hear them now.

  12. Playing tag in the playground, homework being fun and creative, the general innocence of life, having freetime!

  13. I have a baby now and at a baby group they got out an OG rainbow parachute. The parents were way more excited than the kids!

  14. being a prefect… “stand out and tuck your shirt in”


    I’d add a please if I was feeling generous

  15. That euphoric feeling of the last day before the summer holidays.

    Watching a video on the TV with wheels.

    Butterscotch tart for pudding.

    Swinging from the ropes on the apparatus thing in PE.

  16. The smell of the coloured pencils and crayons all jumbled together, when you got to colour something in as an academic exercise.

    Starting the day with one of a range of questionable songs, belted out from a blue cracked songbook. Unless it was Christmas, then you got the special festive pamphlets, and once a year took a stab at ‘God rest Ye Merry Gentlemen’. All you wanted to do was see how many ‘-lujhiahas’ you could hold on for in that one song.

    Running till legs ached, then running more, wearing a coat out to shut the teacher up only to hang it up on the fence post. Breath was little frosty puffs, and teacher would just sigh and plan not to teach anything vital next week while you all get over chest infections.

    Sitting with your besties, your crew, all day. Until you either hated them because of a sleepover invitation issue or argument over whose was whose best friend. Failing that, teacher got sick of it and sat you as far apart as possible breaking your hearts, and meaning your dad got involved thinking something awful had happened.

    Most of all, just being a kid. A proper , no phone, no Internet, no console kid. Wish I’d appreciated it more.

  17. Being an 80s kid it was jus having lessons outside on the summer, and massive snowball wars in the winter

  18. Nothing. Being mildly autistic and being bullied can fuck right off and stay locked away in my shitty school memories.

  19. On those last day of term we would play with board games. I wish we could transfer that to work! Last day of work before we went on annual leave!

  20. Spreading pva glue on my hand & pulling it off once dried.

    Always having a pair of scissors cos I had the yellow/green left handed ones.

    The history people that came in for ‘Viking Day’, ‘Roman Day’ etc – the mystique of the converted giraffe bus when it came in for others gets a mention but I don’t remember it being all that.

    Every ridiculous role I got in a play (except presenter for the leavers play, but at least I wasn’t miming Busted & Mis-teeq- never leave it up to the kids to decide!)

    Having a book bag & this being acceptable, I bet such a thing would’ve got you terrorised in secondary. Actually the whole innocent vibe was great compared to the horror of secondary school.

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