in school i’m always the one kid who is excluded, the last one to get a partner. i’m just so tired of it. occasionally people are friendly to me but only so i’ll give them homework answers. i’m sick of just always being left out, everyone else is contantly having fun, but no matter how hard i try, they just alienate me as if i have some disease they don’t want to catch.

1 comment
  1. Fuck them, find people who dont treat people like shit. What do you think they’re doing to each other? The way people will treat others, especially those who dont deserve to be mistreated, is telling of their real motives as a person. I can guarantee you a lot of those people just use each other for a good time and once that is over they will grow apart. I had to realize that a lot of people just do that with barely any thought until they have kids and have to dedicate their lives to their families.

    There are good people out there and those should be who matter to you. Give people the same energy they gave you and stop giving them shit they dont deserve. People will only take as much as you give them and everything if that’s what you’re offering. It will take time but you will meet people. Find who you are and what you like.

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