I’m just wondering if I’m going crazy, but talking to a partner about sex is kind of annoying and it feels a bit like a chore.

Sometimes I felt like I was going into lecture mode while my partner was just standing there, I felt like I was yaping at him.

On the other hand with my friends, and hell, even with some strangers I’ve been able to talk about sex and have fun.

Do relationships make sex talks harder, or is it me or was it him?

  1. My partner and I talk about sex all the time. Maybe it’s just the other person making it weird

  2. Could be you, or him, or both of you. But I can confirm it doesn’t have to be that way. I have two partners where I talk about sex all the time with. Likes, dislikes, things we want to try, things we saw that were hot, toys and how we pleasure ourselves, all of it.

  3. I’ve struggled talking about sex with my then-husband. He was already self conscious about his size (he was average) and I was afraid of making him feel insufficient.

  4. The roles are reversed in my situation. I enjoy talking about sex to my close friends. It is fun to be able to share with them what I like, fantasize about, kinks, stuff like that. However, when I talk to my wife about these things she seems disinterested or mention that we have talked about that in the past, and ends the conversation there. I have told her I enjoy talking to her about these things, and that when we do, it is a turn on for me.

  5. Sex talks with partners are super important, it should be fun and respectful and engaging! Sounds like a them problem?

  6. > Do relationships make sex talks harder


    > , or is it me or was it him?

    We only have your description to go by, but looking at that, it was you.

    If you want talking about sex to be “fun” and “funny”, going into lecture mode is a horrible approach. It’s “fun” and “funny” when it’s flirtatious and lighthearted.

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