Hey so I’ve been talking to this girl for almost 2 weeks and we talk everyday, she said she likes me and enjoys spending time with me aswell as flirt. We have different timezones so it’s hard for us to call as often as we want, I’m 10 hrs ahead of her, we seem to be struggling to get our emotions across to each other we complement each other often. But I’m not sure if she’s feeling the same way about me and I’m scared about ruining our bond.
Today I asked her if I was being to attached and she said as long as your not falling in love with me xD. I asked why she said that she said, “I was joking it’s just that usually when you say attached it means your falling in love”. I’m so confused.

I should also mention we were talking to each other for 12 hours straight in the weekend, she mentioned a few things we talked about our age differences and she’s 27 I’m 21, she said do you want cuddles when we were watching a movie, she’s also very nervous to video call she wants to at some point though but she’s sent many pictures so I know what she looks like. So there’s some more context.
What do you thinks going through her mind, does she want a relationship.

  1. Just be up front and honest with her but unless you have seen them in a video call, live then do not get attached because its 80% not who they say! I hope when you open up and do get a video call that she is real and cares for you too! Good luck

  2. She’s older and lived through more romantic disappointments. It makes some people cautious…

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