Note to y’all: I just want to feel heard, so even if you don’t know what to say to my question, anything helps.
Sort of a rant:

I think I’ve seen this brought up a couple times, but I’m not positive
But anyways, a guy I was sitting next to tried talking to me, and all I could respond with was one word answers. But when I see guys do the same things to other girls it leads to banter and flirting and now they’re dating etc. it always starts with just looking at them, then they’re somehow joking and poking at each other. But I just don’t get how to lead into more conversation. Rather then just like how are you, end of conversation. I’m getting off topic, it’s just really messing me up. I feel like I’m too serious and “kind/deep” w people who are just trying to having a laugh, if that makes any sense. Im just boring. Either way being super deep and loving doesn’t work after someone says one word to you, but that’s all I know how to do.

But my main question is how do you respond to banter. Like people just joking with you, are poking fun or being sarcastic, I don’t know what to say back, or how to be witty or just anything. I always laugh awkwardly and agree and look down. They kinda back off.
I can’t think of any examples
How do you start forming a friendship from just a one word answer question. Does that make sense? IM just scared this will be the rest of my life.

Question: how do you respond to banter, jokes, etc.? Just anything. What are some ones people generally start with, and what should my response be?

Reading through this, it didn’t make much sense😅 but just wanna at least know somone hears/gets me

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