I want to surprise my husband after work but I’m not sure which men prefer. Coming home to straight lingerie, put it on the table right away, intention is totally on display.. or maybe a sultry outfit that leaves a lil more mystery. Like a short dress with something to see if I bend over? Maybe a garter or some kind of accessory to make sure it’s more than just an outfit. Kind of like a tease, so he knows I know what I’m doing but not being so bold with it.

What would be the best route?

  1. Newsflash! Every man is different and will have different preferences. Randos on Reddit don’t know your husband … presumably you know him best.

  2. Just do what you think your hubby will like best. He’s bound to like the surprise but we wouldn’t know which he would like best.

  3. As someone who wishes his wife would do this, I suggest any will work! Super short dress with some sexy underwear would drive me nuts to see. I’m sure he will love it; any of it

  4. Id suggest sending him a pic of your leg, panties and garter. If you get a good reaction, send a top down boob shot.then tell him you have a sexy surprise for him. A lot of the fun is in the build up and anticipation.

  5. If you really want him to know for sure what you are up to, wear a few pieces of underwear that do you great honour. And nothing else.

    If you want to be subtle and make sure that he has to actually pay attention to figure it out, wear something you look stunning in underneath your clothes, so that he has to notice a shoulder strap he has never before seen on you, to ruse his curiosity.

    Or anything in between there, depending on if you want a fast reaction or risk that he doesn’t react at all because he doesn’t notice.

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