I have been dating a new girl for the past 2 months and I like her a lot. She is amazing in many ways, very cute and sweet, talented, creative… the list goes on. Things have recently getting more serious, too (regularly staying over at each other’s places, planning trips, etc).

Like the title says though, she has an unfortunate case of chronic bad breath at most times and it’s hard to ignore… I have no idea how to bring this up without sounding like a dick or hurting her feelings. Any advice?

  1. Well buddy there’s no tiptoeing around this because either way she’s going get her panties in a bunch when you say something. So just sit down with her and with a cool collective and a calm voice just tell her that you’ve noticed that her breath is off, nothing to be ashamed about but she should check with dentist, she may have issues or she’s just not taking care of gums and teeth as well as she should be. easy correction if she isn’t. That’s it and get all pissed about it tell her you’re looking out for her well-being and general health.

  2. This is a rough one. I feel like two months isn’t really long enough to be able to be super direct and just say it. Id probably go a more subtle hint-wise (which is not usually what Id say but I would be totally destroyed if some dude I just started dating sat me down and told me I have bad breath.)

    Things like, offering gum or maybe if you’re about to have sex, saying you’re gonna brush your teeth and invite her or something . She’ll almost certainly pick up on it and probably still feel bad, but at least still feel like she’s got some dignity.

    Do you notice her chewing gum or using mints? If she does, she probably already knows and it is an ongoing problem.

    Tbh though, not sure if there’s really right answer. Good luck dude!

  3. I would just be honest, most people appreciate it, if she gets pissed whatever. You are doing her a favor. I mean don’t be rude, just be direct.

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