Have you experiences sexual assault or harassment? I would like to invite you to participate in a therapeutic writing intervention study aimed at recovery? This involves his an initial survey (approx 30mins) – then 3 X 15min writing interventions over 3 weeks and a final short survey (approx 30 mins). Hope that can bring some healing and new perspectives 😊

If you are interested, click the link: [https://researchsurveys.deakin.edu.au/jfe/form/SV\_1KXblCPezNpX8rA](https://researchsurveys.deakin.edu.au/jfe/form/SV_1KXblCPezNpX8rA)

This study has been approved by Deakin University ethics committee. Ethics approval number 2022-152

“**Academic research post approved by** [**r/sex**](https://www.reddit.com/r/sex) **moderators 10292022-18noxd**.”

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