Me (21) and gf (18) ok so a guy flirted with her and i saw his message then she asked me whether to remove him.. is said your wish and ahe did block him in Instagram 3 months ago.. but i saw today hwr blocked list and she blocked everyone like “block this account and other accounts they can create” but she blocked this guy account in option 2 which is “block only this account”. I asked her today this and she said she just choose option 2.. she didn’t have any wrong intention but i am overthinking this so much and can’t find any reason to select 2 option to block.

Td;lr am i overthinking?

  1. Yes you are overthinking.
    Also forcing someone do another thing will just make everything worse.

  2. She’s leaving an opportunity for this guy to flirt with her again , be cautious

  3. Dude you sound really insecure about this relationship. Just your post history is baffling. You are nowhere near ready to be dating if you get insecure about this girl _kissing_ her ex.

    >I just feel very hurt. She kissed him before i even knew her

    Christ, grow up. Most people have had their first kiss by the time they’re 18.

    You keep posting about this girl/relationship, it’s like every few days you find something else to panic about. Just be single for awhile.

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