2) Do you have a robotic vacuum cleaner?

3) Do you have a gaming PC?

4) What is the fastest you have ever hooked up with a random woman (BJ or higher)

5) Do you read books?

6) Do you have a dog?

7) Have you ever considered that you may be a Boltzmann brain

8) Are you having a good Friday night?

9) Do you lift weights?

10) Terminator 2 is awesome.

  1. 1. Old Phillips

    2. Yes

    3. Yes

    4. Couple of hours

    5. Yes

    6. No

    7. What’s that?

    8. Yes, hbu?

    9. No

    10. Obviously

  2. 1) Audioengine A2.

    2) No. Wet/Dry Vac all the way. I have mostly hard surface floors and am a hobbyist carpenter.

    3) At home no, at work yes, but I’ve never used its GPU for gaming.

    4) Hahaha weeks to months.

    5) Not regularly.

    6) No. I love dogs, but can’t afford the vet bills.

    7) I can’t prove I’m not.

    8) Yes sir!

    9) Nope. Got injured a few years ago and can’t lift anything more than a few pounds since.

  3. 1. Hah! XD home theatre…
    2. No, my vacuum is older than me.
    3. Not yet.
    4. Never.
    5. Aww yiss c:
    6. Meowfloof is best floof.
    7. Never heard of such before, what is it?
    8. Meh 😛
    9. I lift up my own weight, does that count?
    10. Terminator 2 is the best of the whole franchise. You can’t change my mind.

  4. 1. Vanatoo transparent zero. Was using them as computer speakers but I rarely used them so I hooked it up to my living room TV.
    2. No
    3. Yes
    4. A few hours.
    5. No
    6. No but I’d like one some day
    7. No
    8. Pretty good just exhausted from a long run
    9. yes
    10. It’s a classic

  5. 1. MBL
    2. No
    3. No
    4. About an hour
    5. Absolutely
    6. No, a cat and two cockatiels
    7. No
    8. It’s Saturday morning over here
    9. No, I run half marathons and practice martial arts
    10. Hasta la vista, baby! 🤘🏻

  6. 1. Bowers & Wilkins
    2. Yes, his name is Marvin
    3. No
    4. Few hours
    5. No
    6. 5 of them
    7. I don’t know what that is, so no?
    8. Yeah it’s alright
    9. No
    10. Agreed

  7. 1- the mains are old Polk RT16s. The surrounds are home built.

    2- yes, but I don’t use it.

    3- my wife does, I don’t game much these days.

    4- a couple hours

    5- some, but more audiobooks these days. Less dangerous.

    6- yup

    7- don’t know what that is.

    8 – got laid, got beer, no complaints.

    9- no. I’ve had some streaks but never liked it.

    10- yeah, it’s solid.

  8. 1) No home theatre to speak of…
    2) Yeah, but it turned out uselesss. There is not that much walking space so it was constantly turning into objects.
    3) Not really at the moment. I am condering getting one.
    4) The one one night stand I did.
    5) Yes, but one per month at most.
    6) I do
    7) Nope
    8) Saturday morning here. Friday was unusually busy so got all sleepy.
    9) I do.
    10) Oh I agree. Lots to like and better than the original (which is still charming).

  9. 1) I got some vintage Marantz speakers at an antique store. They’re form over function, but whatever. 6
    2) No. My dogs and or children would defeat its ability to keep the floor clean
    3) No. I have some older games on my laptop but I don’t game much.
    4) I’ve never had a random hookup, just dates that ended mostly in regret and a marriage that took off spectacularly in spite of my skills in attracting women.
    5) Yes, but mostly things like RF design and vacuum tubes, with the occasional fantasy novel. See #4.
    6) Yes. One is an old lady. The other is a juvenile pain in the ass.
    7) Only on odd numbered holidays.
    8) It’s Saturday morning here, but Friday night was tedious.
    9) I do even lift. I’m not that good at it but I visit the Iron works occasionally. See #4.
    10) sure is, although movies aren’t really my thing.

  10. **1) What speakers are you running in your home theatre?**
    Some generic DSEs and cheap Yamahas. Eventually I want to upgrade them though.

    **2) Do you have a robotic vacuum cleaner?**
    Yes I do! (Although technically my wife bought it).

    **3) Do you have a gaming PC?**
    My loungeroom looks like an old school LAN party. I have my gaming rig, my wife also has one, and our son also has a gaming rig made from leftovers from our various upgrades.

    **4) What is the fastest you have ever hooked up with a random woman (BJ or higher)**
    I’ve never hooked up with a random; only ever hooked up with two people and I knew both of them for a long while before we got serious. Even of those two relationships the first was very casual – the second was my long-term crush and we’re married.

    **5) Do you read books?**
    Not as often as I would like, but yes.

    **6) Do you have a dog?**

    **7) Have you ever considered that you may be a Boltzmann brain?**
    I had to look up what that even was – so no.

    **8) Are you having a good Friday night?**
    It’s Saturday afternoon where I am (Melbourne, Australia)

    **9) Do you lift weights?**
    Not anymore, but I used to. Nothing super impressive though.

    **10) Terminator 2 is awesome.**
    Strongly Agree

  11. 1. A soundbar barely better than my TV’s speakers, but my wife has so far vetoed an upgrade. I’m working on it though.
    2. Yep! Love it.
    3. Never.
    4. Yes, I read every day.
    5. Nope and never want one.
    6. No.
    7. I did, yes. Started God of War.
    8. Yes. Quite.

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