I’ve just gotten out of a relationship ~2 month ago, the relationship was about two years. I met someone who I think is incredibly cool and gorgeous, and we get along like a house on fire. It’s very early, about two weeks in and only had a couple of dates but I feel very comfortable around her.

My challenge is I only just got out of a relationship, which ended well and I’m not caught up on it at all but think I need the time to be comfortable being by myself/single. I just think I’d enjoy/treasure my next relationship better if that was the case.

I really like this person but would’ve loved to have met them a little while later, down the road when it isn’t so fresh out of my last relationship.

What do you think? And if you think it’s too early, what’s the best way to communicate this?

I’m cautious of it not being fair to encourage someone to “wait” for you – however, I’d absolutely want it to work in the future/do really like her.

Thanks for your help!

  1. I totally understand that. I would suggest just keeping things casual, continue going on dates with them and dont feel pressure to define the relationship. Just enjoy going on dates. If she asks about it, you can tell her that you really enjoy her company and you really like her, but you’re not ready for a relationship right now.

    Unfortunately with that, you can’t prevent someone from feeling strung along and she might not take it well. Which is fine, and then you know.

  2. Yeah, you made a rational decision. Usually after a relationship ends, we’re blinded by anger and depression, we feel a void that needs to be filled… Which might lead us to hooking up with whoever pops up first. You actually did both of you a favor.
    But, according to what you said, this person seems cool, maybe she’s a blessing in disguise, maybe you were lucky enough to quickly make a successful rebound in a record time.
    Just keep it light, dont talk bad about your past relationship, dont even bring it up, but if she did, just say it was wonderful while it lasted.
    Be optimistic.

  3. Watch out for the rebound.

    You are very vulnerable —- go very, very slowly.

    Give it plenty of time.

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