I don’t know how to start this is kind of weird, but people have described me a very attractive. I’ve been overweight before, then I was not attractive. Girls have stared at me a lot (In a positive way) from a child to a teen to sometimes (rarely) an adult. When I was thinner and when people described me as very attractive a lot of girls stared at me. When I’m more overweight, people don’t stare at me at all. So I assume the staring is for attractiveness? I don’t know.But then one day it just stopped. I have some very serious issues with my appearance mental illness wise (BDD). I assumed I’d gained weight ( I have a hard time telling because of BDD). But I don’t have any stretch marks (I always get them), and I lost a ton of weight in august, and if I did gain that much weight that fast I’d have tons of stretch marks (knowing from the past) . And my clothes still fit the exact way. But no one is staring at me anymore? I’m not trying to sound cocky at all, I’m far from it. But with my BDD it’s starting to make me paranoid severally. I’m I ugly again? Or is this just some people I’ve ran into. I really don’t know what happened. Does anyone have a clue? I highly doubt anyone does… but I’m just so freaked out i don’t know where else to go. If anyone is wondering I’m 16 about to 17 in 2 months.

  1. People sometimes stare at an attractive person. The only way you know is to have someone you trust and ask them if your attractive.

    But really, what you should really care about is not if people are always staring, but if you go up to the person *you* find attractive and initiate a conversation.

  2. What’s going on with the weight? It may just help to adopt a yummy but healthier diet and stay trim. Avoid sugar, dairy and empty carbs as much as you can.

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