As mentioned above, I’m going for the first time ever. Are people helpful there? Are there judgmental people there? What will I be in for?

I know I want to get a toy. I’ve gotten a dildo and vibrator from Amazon before and they do alright, but I kinda want something new. Something that pulses or moves. (I can’t find the words that actually describe it). Both the same time would be great if the price is right.

  1. It’s a store. Just like any other store out there. They just happen to sell products that involve sex.

    > Are people helpful there?

    That depends on the place you go to. Most of the time it’s your usual store and a cashier that just manages the front with no one around giving help. There are some places that are really invested and care about their products and able to show you around. It’s best if you look at reviews first.

  2. It’s a store that sells products for adults. They don’t appreciate or tolerate patrons hitting on the people working. They can be very helpful and informative without judgement. Don’t go/stay to a place that also has back room vide or is uncomfortable as soon as you walk in. The place should be spotless. Go get what you need. If someone else is being helped, wait for help, and obviously don’t be a creeper to other patrons.

  3. 90% of the shops I’ve been to have workers there who are clock punchers. They’re helpful, but not really curious about anything that you’re doing. No one who’s job is to sell sex toys is going to be outwardly judgmental if they want to keep the job lol.

    And if you’re looking for pulsing, try the Jackrabbit. It vibrates, pulses, and rotates.

  4. They are super helpful and patient. They’ll let you feel the toys, I’ve even asked for rulers etc. They don’t blink an eye for no matter what kinky thing you want. It’d be bad for business if they were judgemental.

  5. Go to a local shop, not a chain. Best vibrator and dildo selection is usually at a shop that caters to queer women. Avoid anywhere porn focused (back room and whatnot) their selection for what you want will be shit.

    People there don’t give a fuck, they will only judge you if you are a creep. Helpfulness varies person to person, but just a heads up you will usually have to ask for help. Employees won’t approach you to see how you are doing in case that is embarrassing for you

  6. Some employees in these stores can be very helpful. But remember, they are salespeople. Have an idea of what you want before entering the store. Just don’t let them sell you anything that needs to be hooked up to a nuclear reactor.

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