So I am currently a sophomore in highschool and have a group of people I talk to in school and I consider them my friends and they would probably consider me as their friend too. I talk and have conversations with them regularly, they always greet me whenever they see me in the hallways. However, they never invite me to anything they do. I have never been invited to any of the parties they have been to either. What am I doing wrong? I know it’s not my social skills because I can easily have a conversation with anyone and I consider myself pretty charismatic.

1 comment
  1. Don’t wait for them to invite you somewhere, instead take the initiative and invite them yourself. They don’t know that you want to hangout if you don’t make the effort. If you have invited them and they don’t invite you, don’t take it personally. They might just be busy or they might be afraid to ask you themselves.

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